Chasing Inspiration

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

Living in the USA means I don't get a chance to really enjoy Canada Day. Unless I take the day off, I work. There are no fireworks in the town I live on July 1st. And when I smile and say Happy Canada Day, people look at me like I'm out of my mind.

But I'm Canadian and love my country, even if I don't live there. So, Happy Canada Day! Kiss a loved one. Delight in being Canadian or knowing a Canadian. And if you don't have fireworks near you, make some of your own. *grin*

Canada Day


  1. Happy Canada Day! :D We saw fireworks and spent the day at the Park. Wish you were here to enjoy it.

    Oh, and how is this for Canadian pride? My daughter put her Canadian flag tattoo on her leg under her skirt. She said it didn't matter if other people saw it, she knew it was there. That was one of my proud mommy moments. :D

  2. Happy 4th of July! Have a great celebration day :D Hope you are doing well after surgery. Call sometime.
